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Catalog - Каталог By Condition - По Болезням Cosmetics - Косметика Dead Sea Minerals - Минералы Мертвого Моря
Essential Oils - Масла и Жиры Ointments - Мази Vitamins and Immune Support - Витамины
Herbs - Травы Phyto Teas - Фито-Чаи Tablets-Remedies - Таблетки Tinctures-Mixes - Настойки
For Medicine Cabinet - Ваша Домашняя Аптечка Personal Hygiene - Персональня Гигиена To help you quit - Против Курения Weight Loss - Для Похудения
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  Dr. Oksana Kless

Dr. Oksana Kless is a dermatologist with several years of clinical experience.She graduated from the Medical University of Kiev,Ukraine and received extensive training in treatment of gastrointestinal and skin disorders with emphasis on Naturopathic medicine.Dr.Kless is an author of multiple medical publications and a book on natural skin care.She lives in Orlando, Florida, where she teaches Western Medical Science courses in Florida College of Integrative Medicine, while seeing patients as a skin care consultant. Dr. Kless teaches seminars on skin rejuvenation where she presents her dermatological protocols, based on original Russian supplements.

You may contact Dr. Kless, if you have questions about the products from HerbHealer.com. She may be reached at : oksanakless@yahoo.com


Attention: All products and any information present on our site are for general use only and not meant to treat or cure any disease. Any informational statements about any products have not been evaluated by FDA, unless stated otherwise.

Attention: You should always consult a doctor before using any folk medicine herbs, oitments and tinctures.
Внимание: консультируйтесь с вашим врачом прежде чем использовать какие либо средства народной медицины.

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